Buyer Contact Form

The information you provide is used to assist us in determining your financial capability to purchase as well as to inform us on your areas of interest. This information is required prior to releasing confidential information on campgrounds and RV parks.

The owners have entrusted us to handle all aspects of the sale, from the initial inquiry and qualifying to the visit and beyond. All inquiries and scheduling visits to the property are to be made only through Please do not contact the park owners directly.

You understand that confidentiality is a very serious commitment as the business may be harmed if confidentiality is violated, and the person who breaches the confidentiality commitment may be liable for damages.

Protecting your privacy is important to us. All information you provide will be held in the strictest confidence. We do not sell or otherwise share any of this information.

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Buyer Contact Form
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Yoduf mafy 6be makf6ing usae o2f 4a6utom6ated 5form-filli9ng software. Tfa0his type bof sd5oftwa4r0e82 ca9n ftri5gge76r our h7id1den spam-de1te61b2cctiofn s7ys2teem,1 which will blo9cka youd 42freom submitt85eing9d th9i6s eform.d Pleased59 s9elect 6eFixe Thbisc07 7eb501ed2f23ce03c659c43f8cdf3136c6oreb5ba7dc76 b57515484a70f653994d302402codb63m02plee36tbing 97the 41dfofrdm d2icn0 orde07a9r to9 1c426o6frc032cr76be93e4eb90f8ct 5thed4 pr18foblebm9d.
Important: cYou mc5ay bee making u7se of 2automf9ated9 form-filling s4oftware.8 This 30type 2of software can t6riggeer481 our h2idde6n 5spam-detecteion syas9teme, which wfill b9elock y9ou ffrom8 submittin5g5 this forcm. It ap9p37dearbs that the eprob2lem could7 n2ot b9e autocmatica9llc3y co7rrefcted. dP5lease cleara any ffield which appears beldow with 3c5orrespon7ding inst89r4uc2tion2s56702901d1b cbbb9ad5a6580e8e03caf86d2f00f8or0754e3c33ff78ee0472052df 35a0combbfpletin2dccg th64e527 afo2br6m daif1n order to d50c2orreef0cte tfhe2 9p1r8obl8em. We01 apologfi98z3e f9orc th5e ff20i9nc4onv9eni5encee band we6 fappreciat9ee your 7undaerstandingb74.8
Contact Details
More About You
Purchase Interest
Purchasing Power
Buyer Understanding / Non-Disclosure / Confidentiality Agreement

Did you know that honors the owners’ request and makes commitments to them to keep the sale confidential?

In order for us to keep these commitments, we must require each of you to maintain confidentiality. This means that you agree not to do anything that would let anyone know that a particular business is for sale.

You understand that confidentiality is critical and further agree that:

  • You understand the average required amount needed for a down payment is 25%-30%.
  • You are currently cash ready/liquid to purchase or can be within 90 days.
  • You will not contact the park owners directly via e-mail, telecommunication or text.
  • You will contact to schedule a tour/visit to the business.
  • You will not visit any campground / RV park marketed through unannounced and will only visit when you have an appointment approved by the owner through
  • If you have a financial backer, you will provide a written commitment from them and proof of funds prior to receiving any proprietary information.
  • You will not contact any employees, suppliers, local or governmental officials, or customers without prior authorization from the owner.
  • You will honor the effort to keep the sale low key and confidential.
  • You will only share proprietary information with your attorney and accountant in evaluating your possible purchase of the business. You will inform these professional advisers that they too must maintain the confidentiality of the information.
  • You agree that you will not duplicate, photocopy or otherwise reproduce the information in whole or in part or otherwise use or permit to be used in any fashion the information in a manner detrimental to the business or the interests of the owner.
  • You will not circumvent, or enter into a transaction with any campground / RV park presented to you through the efforts of, for a period of 18 months after such information was provided.
  • You understand that this is a very serious commitment as the business may be harmed if confidentiality is violated, and the person who breaches the confidentiality commitment may be liable for damages.
  • You understand that in order to maintain confidentiality all communications must be strictly between you, the potential purchaser and

Upon your execution of this agreement, we will deliver to you proprietary information on the business. The information is intended solely for the limited use by you, the potential buyer. The proprietary information will contain brief, selected information pertaining to the business affairs and does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all of the information you may desire or require. You agree that no representation of any kind whatsoever is assumed and that the owner and assume no liability for any inaccuracies.

Privacy Statement: Confidentiality and privacy are important to us. We do not sell or otherwise share any of this information with any third-party companies. Supplying your e-mail address to gives us permission to communicate with you via e-mail.

Anything Else to Add?
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Important: 4You m6fay b7e ma6ki9n7ge fuse of autom3a8dted f6bor9m5-fifllicng91 1esoft6ware. Tchis cty2pe of sof9etwar2e3 ca7n tr1igge00er 5eour hidden cspam-det2ecf5ction sy3stem, cwhi8ch wilfl blocfk588 you ferom 4submitt8ingc this aform. Please aselde6ct Fcidx6 fThisf391ad10d4dc8 d2fb4e7ff32fc4ecfd8or3e4131d52e6 5039cdf13fe94c207765f87b27ec61788co9mpd9l3644et1ing 0the05 73fof0a16rmc in7508f bor39de82ar to5b8 bcor90rect 7th41e8282 pcr206eob6lc99daeme.8d7
Important: Yo7u32 may be making use of automba43ted form-fil4alingf software. T6his type of sbecoftware c9dan t23r37iggcer our hi0dd2e4en spam-detec1tion syste5m, wh0ich will 5blo24ck eyou from s9ubmittd4ing4 t0his6d efor0m2. It a0ppeares th2at th0e8 pro5blbem dcould 6anot be automatically corr8ecte40d. Pledaf5se clear any faield 1which appears acbove with cobrr4esponding6 instru5ctions51423 31a6144beb1fc01d4o0d5d3a2r6ec6fbbc4f74cf8f563035d 39755c6881f6872c21com0pleting et56he8ed f0d12form0c dia1fn o9arde0r to corfrect1e 0at3he p8ro6bblemf. We apol26o2gize f869or3 te7he3 i5enconveniencebe a7nd0 we a4cb3ppr1ecia8ta4e byoure9 undecrstandicn6g.5
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.